“From abundance comes abundance”

- Īśopanisad 1. Mantra

We are more than we think we are

We are more than the body 
We are more than the thoughts and feelings
We are pure consciousness in which body, thoughts and feelings are revealed 
Every cell of our body is a center of consciousness, of the highest intelligence 
We are the essence of pure love

Everything comes from consciousness

The universe with all its creatures has evolved from pure consciousness, through a journey of condensation of the 5 great elements from the finest to the coarsest: space/ether, air, fire, water, earth. The same 5 elements also form our body tissues, body energies and spiritual energies.

We are an image of the cosmos, inside and out, outside and inside.

Veda means wisdom, science

The Veda was contemplated by the great Rishis, the wise seers, in a state of deep contemplation, meditation. A knowledge that was not created by humans, but recalled from the cosmos. Preserved for thousands of years, tested, applied, passed on orally and later written down as support for humanity in future difficult times that the Rishis foresaw.


Āyurveda – Knowledge of a long, healthy and fulfilled life

In such challenging times as now, we have often lost touch with our origins, have forgotten what we really are, pure consciousness:

The finest essence of the cosmos, Soma, flows as individual life force, Prāna, in the most delicate channels through our entire body and our minds; we feel comfortable and alive.
When this flow of life becomes blocked or comes to a standstill, e.g. after shocks, accidents or an unsuitable lifestyle, we feel tired and out of balance. Disorders and illnesses can appear.

Through the ancient knowledge and applications of the Veda, the cell remembers its own intelligence and begins to return to harmony. The right impulses activate our self-healing power and our self-esteem.

Rhythm and order can be restored and life force can pulsate freely.

The complementary sciences of Yoga (unity), Ayurveda (wisdom of life), Marma (secret energy points), Mantra & Nāda Brahma (sound knowledge), Jyotish (astrology), Vāstu (interior design) and many more are our treasure chest for a fulfilled life, as intended for every sentient being.

"The right impulse, at the right time and then the magic begins."

– Dr. Satji

Spirituality and Universality 

The knowledge and practices of the Vedic scriptures are universally applicable and transcend cultural, religious and similar categories. Humans actually carry the Veda within themselves. In remembering and reconnecting, the laws of nature – Devas – support us in living a life of abundance. 

Book tip: The Human Body – Expression of the Veda and Vedic Literature. Dr Tony Nader

Sanskrit & Mother Tongue

The sound of the Veda is Sanskrit (perfectly put together), the oldest language and script of mankind. 

The sounds of Sanskrit and the mother tongue touch us deeply in our hearts. We therefore translate Sanskrit terms into German as easily and as best as possible, and in the case of guest speakers, we always translate them from English into German, for the full impact and touch. 

Pankaja Ayurveda Centre Wien Hietzing

Welcome to the Pankajā Center

“May the encounter connect you completely to yourself.” 

– Hari Om